
Archive | Cell Phone Safety Campaign

A sampling of current expert, physician, and scientific information on cell phone use and how it endangers health.

Earth Day ignores the worst offender: electrosmog pollution

Earth Day ignores the worst offender: electrosmog pollution

Because there is little to no emphasis on electrosmog pollution on Earth Day, and some prominent Earth Day organizers seem to be completely unaware of the dangers to the planet and all life on earth from electrosmog, a letter was sent to Kathleen Rogers, President, and her staff of the global Earth Day Network  explaining […]

January 21, 2019 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, San Diego County Smart Meter News, Stop 5G
Cell phone health impacts

Cell phone use linked to ADHD in teens

Digital media (cell phones and more) = ADHD in teens, says longterm study, out July 17, 2018 in JAMA. Can this be associated with exposure to rf radiation? Past studies say “yes” ! Pregnant moms, parents of children of any age – get wireless out of your homes and daily lives! Reduce electrosmog, cell phone […]

July 19, 2018 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: WIFI
Cell phone health impacts

Scientists conclude cell phones do cause cancer

NTP cell phone studies — experts recommend elevated conclusions A group of scientists examining the data and results from the (USA) National Toxicology Program‘s (NTP) study of the impact of cell phone radiation on rats concluded that there is clear evidence that exposure to microwave radiation caused cancer in rat hearts. They recommended that the […]

April 7, 2018 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI, Uncategorized
Cellphone image

How “Big Wireless” tricked us regarding safety

The following article explains how the wireless industry (aka “big wireless”) created the lie that “wireless is safe” in the 1990’s, much as “big tobacco” did so for years with its dangerous product. In 2018, at this writing, it explains the dangerous but legal public exposure to microwave radiation from all wireless devices. These include […]

April 7, 2018 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI
Stop Electrosmog

State of CA and Kaiser warn about rf radiation

Microwave radiation a hazard, says State of CA Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente Dec. 14, 2017 In the past 24 hours, the CA State Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente issued warnings about wireless devices like cell phones and smart meters causing serious health problems. Cell towers, cell phones, smart water meters, and smart […]

December 14, 2017 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:CA Smart Meter News, Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI, International Electrosmog Prevention News, Public Health Alert, Smart Meter Opt-Out News, Smart water meters, Take Action Against Smart Meters, Uncategorized, USA Smart Meter News
Cell phones heat up brain tissue. They "cook" the brain.

Major US Gov’t Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer

A federal study, just concluded, finds microwave radiofrequency radiation – the same type emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones – causes cancer, with a dose-response relationship. The more the exposure, the higher the risk. All cell phone and wireless enthusiasts must pause to consider – is it worth your life, or the life of […]

May 25, 2016 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones
Stop Electrosmog

How to identify and reduce electrosmog

Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) This is a practical guide for how to do so. See #3 and #4 below for steps to reduce RF radiation. Use of this article is covered by our disclaimer, see bottom of this page. 1. What are the recommended […]

November 27, 2015 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, General Resources and Services, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, Health Alerts: Cell Towers, Health Alerts: Other Devices w/ RF, Health Alerts: Smart Meters, Health Alerts: WIFI, Smart Meter Resources & Links, Solutions, Solutions, Take Action Against Smart Meters
LA Firefighters / Police Stop LA Federal Cell Tower Roll Out

LA Firefighters / Police Stop LA Federal Cell Tower Roll Out

In an unprecedented move, as a result of concerned activists, community members, fire department unions and police department unions in Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles, California, the rollout of hundreds of massive cell towers on fire department sites that would have placed the local firefighters at risk and blanketed all of […]

April 2, 2015 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, General Resources and Services, Health Alerts: Cell Towers
Cell phones heat up brain tissue. They "cook" the brain.

Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Can Kill

Is your cellphone worth risking this?                 Please click below to watch this video and avoid what happened to this young father. Jimmy Gonzalez “Cell Phones Cause Cancer“ Jimmy Gonzalez, a  vibrant 42 year old former marine, father of two young children and attorney paid with his life because he […]

January 1, 2015 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones, International Electrosmog Prevention News

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