Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Studies of electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS), as it is called by the US Access Board, place the condition between 1 and 5% of the population having significant and debilitating problems, with up to 33% to a lesser degree (but with the potential for getting worse). It is a condition thought to be rapidly growing, […]
Archive | ADA Accommodations for RF Exposures
Legal recognition sources for ES (Electrosensitivity)
The following is a list of legal recognitions and resources for electrosensitivity as a disability, and those which may assist with ADA accommodations requests. (IN PROGRESS, WILL BE UPDATED FREQUENTLY): Suggestions may be sent to director (at) electrosmogprevention.org. 1. List of Electrical Sensitivity Resources by EH Trust 2. Medical Billing Codes 2018-2019 for Exposure to Nonionizing […]
ADA Accommodations Request Next Steps if Denied
Explore any of the following as a potential next step: Consult with a disability discrimination law attorney who handles Title II ; Title III ADA cases (with local & state governments; private entities offering public accommodations). Contact your state bar for a list in your region. Check current license and history of complaints if any, […]

How to File an ADA Accommodations Request for Electrosensitivity to Avoid Small Cells and Wifi
The following ADA Accommodations Request Packet may be used by those with ES (electrosensitivity) or certain medical conditions who must avoid increased rf radiation in the United States* to apply for reasonable accommodations to help avoid rf radiation from “small cells” and wifi in public government areas, related to accessibility or any other Title II […]