
North County Times: Customers to Get Opportunity to Dump Smart Meters

“After years of agitation, local opponents of computerized electric meters will probably see their hopes realized in March when regulators consider programs to let them opt out.

Utilities said the computerized meters allow customers to closely monitor their power use, and create the possibility of linking appliances through a home area network. But almost from the moment utilities started installing the meters in 2008, a few customers began complaining of a potential invasion of privacy, poor health caused by the wireless communication signals —- and oversized electric bills.

In California, Bakersfield was the epicenter of complaints, but a low buzz of concern was soon heard across the country”.

Read the entire article here: http://www.nctimes.com/blogsnew/business/energy/energy-customers-to-get-option-to-dump-smart-meters/article_3e7b1bc6-456f-5246-b047-343c157b8f20.html#ixzz1po1V4Hrs

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