What can we do? A major form of electrosmog pollution has been named a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Health, USA. Electrosmog pollution in the form of cell phone radiation, is now officially associated with the development of cancer, according to the results of a $25 million dollar National Toxicology Program (NTP) study released May […]
Archive | May, 2016

Major US Gov’t Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
A federal study, just concluded, finds microwave radiofrequency radiation – the same type emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones – causes cancer, with a dose-response relationship. The more the exposure, the higher the risk. All cell phone and wireless enthusiasts must pause to consider – is it worth your life, or the life of […]
May 25, 2016 ·Continue Reading · Posted in:Cell Phone Safety Campaign, Health Alerts: Cell Phones