To: Subject: shielding question Dear (Director, CEP), I found your article about your story with the smart meter [Living Nightmare: How SDG&E Smart Meter Led to Headaches, Hearing Loss]. I live in Canada, and don’t have a smart meter, but I am very sensitive to my computer and to cell phones (I don’t use […]
Archive | August, 2012

Your Best Friend is NOT Wi-Fi
[Note: Smart meters utilize a powerful form of Wi-Fi in a mesh network. Help your child concentrate more in school by not being befuddled from a “smart” utility meter on the home. San Diego County Resident? Don’t forget to opt-out from smart meters – fill out the form at If you are on the […]
PETITION TO BAN WIFI IN SCHOOLS WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT A PETITION TO BAN WIFI IN SCHOOLS WAS SUBMITTED TO THE ISRAELI SUPREME COURT This morning we have submitted a Petition to the Israeli Supreme Court requesting the SC to issue an injunction against the Ministry of Education and to order it to ban WIFI in Schools in Israel. The Plaintiffs are Dafna Tachover, […]
The Seletun Statement The Seletun Statement is a position statement issued by a group of international experts on the need for biologically-based guidelines to protect the public from RF radiation fields associated with wireless technologies. ————————————— Announcement video (18 minutes) Olle Johansson, PhD Announcing Seletun Scientific Statement from ElectromagneticHealth.Org 1 year ago International Scientists Recommend Global […]

Scientist Who Did Cell Phone Research For Motorola Speaks Of Interference and Control
Dr. Jerry Phillips, a scientist who did cell phone safety research funded by Motorola speaks of how Motorola attempted to control the “message” and outcomes of his research. Excerpt from the movie “Public Exposure”.
Book and Cyber-Security Services: Is Your Computer Bugged?
Is Your Computer Bugged? by Glenn Jacobs, Cyber Security Engineer, Carlsbad, CA This book provides the basic techniquest for making personal computers resistant to cyber attack. It can help prevent the devastating personal and financial consequences of cyber criminal activity. While focused on the Windows 7 operating system, the techniquest detailed in this book […]
US GAO recommends FCC radiation limits be reassessed
A new report by the US General Accounting Office (GAO – branch of the gov’t that advises Congress) has issued a called for RF energy exposure limits to be reassessed in light of current science. This could lead to reduction of electrosmog and the unsafe use of wireless, ultimately. The GAO report: Telecommunications Exposure and […]