De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has a new paper out showing that EMF exposures in the womb are linked to an increased risk of childhood obesity. “Maternal exposure to high [magnetic fields] during pregnancy may be a new and previously unknown factor contributing to the world-wide epidemic of childhood obesity/overweight,” […]
Archive | July, 2012
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Writes FCC About RF Radiation Standards Pediatricians Say Cell Phone Radiation Standards Need Another Look Concerns persist over the health effects of radiation from cell phones, especially for kids. Now the nation’s largest pediatricians group is asking the government to review emission standards By Bonnie Rochman | @brochman | July 20, 2012 | 3 Sharing TIME stories with friends is […]
Opening Briefs on Discrimination Laws & Opt-out Fees at CPUC
The following Opening Briefs have been filed with the Calif Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), pertaining to whether discrimination laws (ADA and Public Utility Code 453) apply to charging opt-out fees and answering several questions about community (community-wide) opt-outs. These briefs derived from a request in the SCOPING RULING of June 8, 2012, by Michael Peevey, […]
WIFI and Libraries
As with all fads, wireless is no different. There is a rush to add WIFI to all libraries, as well as schools, shopping areas, hotels, and medical facilities. It is CEP’s position that placement of WIFI where the public is accommodated is a barrier for disabled people and those with medical conditions who must avoid […]
Scientists and Physicians on Smart Meters
A collection of independent experts, scientists, and physicians’ position statements on smart meters and health. To send us any we are missing, email us at with the statement.

Maine Supreme Court smart meter ruling: PUC failed to address concerns
Maine’s Supreme Court has determined that Maine’s Public Utility Commission failed to address health and safety issues before it authorized the deployment of smart meters statewide. (July 12, 2012) ————————————————————————————– (AP) Maine’s highest court agrees with critics who say state regulators failed to adequately address safety concerns about so-called smart meters. But it’s unknown what […]
EMF Safety Network Opening Brief: Smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law
This brief was filed by EMF Safety Network on July 13, 2012, concerning smart meter opt-out fees and discrimination law, with the CPUC. Many very good points are made and the brief repeatedly calls for dropping the fees for all, not just limited to disabled, or those with medical conditions. ————————————– Brief filed by EMF […]
ALERT: AAEM Releases Recommendations EMF and RF Exposures (7/12/12)
**NEW** The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its recommendations regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) exposures. These recommendations by AAEM, just released on 7/12/12, will take the world by storm. AAEM recommends that patients with a broad range of medical conditions avoid sources of EMF and RF radiation, especially smart meters on […]
PUC Upholds Formal Complaint against KIUC (Hawaii)
July 12, 2012 – PUC Upholds Formal Complaint against KIUC Kauai Island Utility Coop Press Release from Kaua’i, Hawaii Formal Complaint upheld, KIUC ordered by PUC to answer On June 18, 2012 Mark Naea filed a Formal Complaint with the Public Utilities Commission and the Division of Consumer Advocacy charging Kauai Island Utility Cooperative( KIUC […]

Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation
Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation agfauteux | 11 juillet 2012 | 4 Commentaires Quebec-based magazine La Maison du 21e siecle asked physician David O. Carpenter, former founding dean of the University at Albany (NY)’s School of Public Health, to comment on a letter published in the Montreal daily Le Devoir last May 24. This letter […]