The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its position paper on electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) health effects calling for immediate caution regarding smart meter installation. Citing several peer‐reviewed scientific studies, the AAEM concludes that “significant harmful biological effects occur from non‐thermal RF exposure” showing causality. Press Release (AAEM) April 12, 2012 The American […]
Archive | June, 2012

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2012
To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding you are interested in, then click Search. You will then see many pages of documents filed, in […]

CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: 2011
Note: all documents are from 2011, though some labels may be 2012, working to correct title dates To view all legal filings pertaining to the PG&E, SDG&E, and SCE opt-out proceedings, now consolidated, as of May, 2012 go to: and enter (only) the proceeding number below for the proceeding […]
Santa Cruz County Health Dept: “Health Effects of Smart Meters”
Santa Cruz CA County Health Department Health Effects of Smart Meters Report, pages 9-18 (Jan. 24, 2012) ———————————————————————– A MUST READ – JAN. 18TH, 2012 FIRST REPORT FROM A COUNTY HEALTH DEPT IN THE NATION, EXPRESSING GRAVE CONCERNS OVER HEALTH COMPLAINTS, LEADS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO ASK BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO TAKE ACTION. Letter to the […]
Scientist, Physician, Public Health Experts: “Smart Meters & Health”
A collection of letters and position statements on Smart Meters by independent (non-utility-affiliated) scientists, physicians, researchers, and public health experts, pertaining to the very real dangers of smart meters.
Breaking: Southern California Edison Opt Out Fees Suspended
June 7, 2012 The ability of utilities to charge a fee to customers who refuse a smart meter was dealt a serious blow today in California. It appears that “opt out” fees for customers of Southern California Edison (SCE) have been placed on hold for 120 days pending a CPUC determination of whether the fees […]

CEP Filings at CPUC 2011-2012
CEP’s Opt-out Plan is found herein: CEP Expanded Smart Meter Opt-Out Proposal for CPUC 8.18.11 ——————————————— Additional filings (approximately 30, to date) pertaining to the SDG&E opt-out proceeding, SCE opt-out proceeding, and the Smart Grid Deployment Plan proceeding by CEP may be found at CEP Legal Filings at CPUC: […]