How to identify and reduce electrosmog
Identify and reduce electrosmog pollution such as radiofrequency (RF) radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMF) ...
Smart Meters: Public Health Alert
Warnings issued by a California county health dept. & AAEM, a national physicians’ association (Jan., ...
Smart Meters Radiation Exposure Up to 160 Times More Than Cell Phones (Hirsch)
Daniel Hirsch, California radiation expert and UCSD instructor, criticizes the industry-influenced CCST report that incorrectly ...
Letter to California Public Utilities Commission from Dr. Olle Johansson of Karolinska Institutet
Read Dr. Olle Johansson’s Letter regarding SmartGrid / Smart Meter dangers to CPUC, July 9, ...

Owl Box Wifi Camera Dangers – Give owls a break!
Members of the public – and even wildlife and bird conservancies – seem to be unaware of the harm that close-range microwave radiation can subject owls (and other nesting birds) and their young to.
Smart water meters and electrosmog – not smart for consumers
Smart water meters unhealthy and can grossly overbill water usage – what to do about them.

FAQ How to opt-out of smart utility meters and opt-out tips
How to opt-out of smart meters FAQ w/ help on how to read your analog meter and other tips
Dr. Devra Davis Interview 5G Health Impacts
In mid-2019, Dr. Devra Davis, PhD epidemiologist, MPH, scientist with NIH and winner of Nobel Peace Prize 2007, and founder of Environmental Health Trust (www.ehtrust.org) was interviewed for a series called 5G Crisis. Her interview is available now on Youtube, thanks to 5G Crisis and Josh del Sol, interviewer. Dr. Devra Davis Interview – 5G […]
Dangers of 5G: Public Safety (Devra Davis, PhD)
Dangers Of 5G: New Technology Draws Concerns For The Environment, Public SafetyBy Dr. Devra Davis, International Business Times, Mar 14, 2020 Maryland has recently been at the center of the 5G technology debate. Although the state’s legislature is unlikely to fast track 5G, officials from Baltimore to Montgomery County are debating where to place hundreds of new “small cells” which are basically shorter cell towers […]

5G Exposures, Public Health, & Immune Responses
“5 G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications” Author Cindy L. Russell https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2018.01.016 Abstract “The popularity, widespread use and increasing dependency on wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications industrial revolution with increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data through a variety of devices and infrastructure. On […]
Letter from Dr. Beatrice Golomb UCSD researcher on dangers of 5G
Golomb letter to San Diego BOS 8.7.19 on dangers of 5G A must-read and must-share-widely letter. Dr. Beatrice Golomb, a world-renowned researcher, principal of the Golomb Research Group at UCSD, who studies EMF health effects, has written a second letter about 5G, this time to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, about the hazards of […]

Martin Pall, PhD: Dangers of 5G
Dr. Martin Pall, a leading EMF / RF researcher, Emeritus Biochemistry and Medical Sciences Professor (Washington State U.) spells out the dangers of 5G technology in detail: “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that […]

RED ALERT: 5G industry leaders admit NO safety testing when questioned by Senator Blumenthal (CT)
(Feb. 6, 2019) Under questioning by Senator Blumenthal at a US Senate 5G hearing this week, leading 5G industry representatives admitted zero dollars had been spent on health and safety testing for 5G technologies, out of $25 billion they’d bragged the wireless industry invested just last year. Senator Blumenthal spoke and questioned them for 4.5 minutes, […]
Health Effects from Low Level RF Radiation – Color Charts
Click here for BioInitiativeReport-RF-Color-Charts From Bioinitiative 2017 “The RF Color Charts summarize many studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI-FI, ‘smart’ wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones.” Click below for RF biological effects pertaining to cell towers, small cells, and other wireless […]

Dr. Sharon Goldberg explains why 5G must not be rolled out
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018. She explains why 5G should not be rolled out, and the association between exposure to microwave rf radiation and blood sugar, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and cancer. Dr. Goldberg is a board-certified internal medicine physician with several decades experience, a […]
5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects (Moskowitz)
(Reposted with permission from the website of Dr. Joel Moskowitz) https://www.saferemr.com/2017/08/5g-wireless-technology-millimeter-wave.html) 5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects (Moskowitz) The emergence of 5G, fifth-generation telecommunications networks, has been in the news lately because the wireless industry has been pushing controversial legislation at the state level to expedite the deployment of this technology. The legislation would […]
EMF Portal searchable database for 4G/5G studies
With over 35,000 studies in its searchable EMF database, a superb site to research biological effects of electromagnetic fields. “…EMF-Portal of the RWTH Aachen University summarizes systematically scientific research data on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). All information is made available in both English and German. The core of the EMF-Portal is an extensive […]
Use lack of federal NEPA Review to legally challenge 5G satellites
We encourage strong legal action to stop the deployment and use of tens of thousands of 5G satellites being placed in low orbit, polluting our atmosphere and destroying our views of the heavens (already doing so), predicted to interfere even more with the science of astronomy and use of weather satellites, while raining harmful electromagnetic […]

Try “NEPA Strategies” to Stop 5G
Looking for additional legal strategies to stop 5G infrastructure (small cells – both 4G and 5G) in your area? The FCC has been directed by a federal judge to conduct a NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Review, not conducted prior to the rollout of 5G infrastructure (FCC 18-133 — the Small Cell Order), per FCC’s […]

1-2-3 Action Plan to Stop 5G
1-2-3 Steps to Stop 5G Anywhere (as pdf to share electronically or print and share) City Letter to Stop 5G This letter is designed for 5G-concerned residents to send to their cities, requesting an informational 5G workshop and suggesting ordinance language ideas to slow or stop 5G in their cities. It may be downloaded as a Word […]
Stop 5G with Protective Wireless Ordinances
Protective Small Cell Wireless Ordinance Language Examples Center for Electrosmog Prevention A collection of suggested requirements for ordinances to gain maximum protection from small cell wireless (and other) telecommunications facilities in residential and sensitive areas Up-to-date Resources (Fall, 2019) City Letter Stop 5G Wireless Ordinance This letter is designed for 5G-concerned residents to send to their […]

San Diego County Supervisors vote to deploy hazardous 4G and 5G small cells
San Diego’s County Board of Supervisors (BOS) voted on August 7th, 2019, for an amended County staff version of a new 5G small cell wireless ordinance for the unincorporated part of San Diego County. This ordinance, as amended at the meeting, allows industry essentially what it would like, though many administrative requirements accomplished in this ordinance […]

10 ACTIONS TO STOP DANGEROUS 5G SMALL CELLS from being placed IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME and throughout your community: “There have been certain points in our history where people have stood up to strong destructive forces against what often appeared to be insurmountable odds. Those people are THE most honored people in our history. […]

How to File an ADA Accommodations Request for Electrosensitivity to Avoid Small Cells and Wifi
The following ADA Accommodations Request Packet may be used by those with ES (electrosensitivity) or certain medical conditions who must avoid increased rf radiation in the United States* to apply for reasonable accommodations to help avoid rf radiation from “small cells” and wifi in public government areas, related to accessibility or any other Title II […]

Letters from Doctors About School Wifi
Letters From Doctors on WiFi in Schools And Cell Towers On Schools

5G Small Cells and Property Value
Small cells for 4G (now) and 5G (now or soon) are being installed to provide the infrastructure for 5G on new and existing street poles throughout the USA. Cellular companies are racing to “claim” street poles (light & utility poles) so they can attach their wireless antennas for continuous upgrades. Multiple companies may attach equipment […]

San Diego 5G Day of Action May 15
Don’t like the idea of close proximity to hazardous “small cells” all along our streets and even in front of your home?You are invited to join us for a peaceful rally against 5G small cells in downtown San Diego on the International 5G Day of Action! When: MAY 15, 2019 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM […]
Summary of 5G issues for activists and public
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, UCSD researcher, speaks out about 5G dangers
A local UCSD researcher, Dr. Beatrice Golomb, who studies effects of microwaves on health and Gulf War Syndrome, speaks out against a CA state bill promoting 5G, in 2017. The bill didn’t pass in CA, but now (Feb. 2019) the FCC is trying to do the same thing (force 5G on everyone) that the bill […]
San Diego County BOS 5G Ordinance Update
See the BOS meeting of Feb. 27th: hear the speakers, watch the vote. Agenda item 2, #15. Speakers on wireless ordinance 48:00 – 1:58. Vote is at end of meeting – starts at 2:35:00. On Feb. 27, 2019, following a tumultuous, lengthy meeting with at least 24 speakers opposing 5G small cells in the unincorporated […]

Stop 5G California FB page
Visit and “Like” our new Stop 5G California FB page and learn more about what is happening in CA with 5G. Please share widely! Learn more about what is happening in CA to stop 5G “small cells” from being placed up and down all our streets. For all states, counties, cities and towns, […]
Basic 5G Letter for Local Gov’t
Basic 5G Letter for Local Gov’t to send to your County officials (in San Diego County, the Board of Supervisors). Find your elected local government elected official and send it by USPS or email. Fill out the recipient address at the top and your signature and printed name, with address and date signed. If you […]
Generic Stop 5G letter for use with local gov’t
This Local Gov’t 5G Letter (for any locale) may be used with any town, city, or county government. It can be downloaded or copied and pasted into an email, and then personalized with your local elected official’s name and your name and address, and sent via USPS or emailed. We advise sending it quickly as […]

Tom Wheeler, former FCC Chair, 5G proponent, reveals why no safety testing
Tom Wheeler, former FCC Chair Nov. 2013 – Jan. 20, 2017, helped plan the 5G rollout. He describes in this video that it is the money to be made that is important, which is why they weren’t going to be slowed down by safety testing. “Prior to working at the FCC [appointed by President Obama], […]
Why RF radiation guidelines haven’t changed in 20+ years
The 5G Mass Experiment : ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields The above article is a review and extrapolation of a European journalism project to uncover the truth about rf guidelines and why they haven’t changed in over 20 years, even though they are at odds with current independent scientific findings. This project also reveals […]
5G experimentation admitted by EU in new report
A new report commissioned by the European Union admits it 5G is a massive experiment. The EU reports “concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G.” The EU report further reveals there has been no way to predict or […]

Ramona Call to Action: Stop 5G small cells
From the Ramona Patch: Tell Board of Supervisors to keep mini-cell towers away from our homes and schools Ramona and All Unincorporated County Call to Action: Stop 5G mini-cell towers from being placed in front of your homes On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, the County Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously voted to allow hazardous high-radiation-emitting […]

WI small cell on light pole emits rf radiation 50K higher than background
1 μW/cm² = 10,000 μW/m²=10mW/m² So 25,000 μW/m² = 25 mW/m² is a HUGE reading. The microwave radiation from these small cells on a light pole is 50,000 times higher than a typical background of 0.0005 mW/m²away from cell towers. The target ceiling for sensitive populations (children, pregnant mothers, infants, elderly, EHS) should be 0.003 mW/m² or less, […]

Marin County Board of Supervisors’ Wireless Ordinance Workshop
Marin County BOS Full Wireless Ordinance Workshop begins at 00:37 Wireless presentation and legalities (37:54). County staff and attorneys present FCC ruling implications, complete with a Powerpoint, and status of lawsuit Marin County joined with other municipalities in a coalition, to challenge the FCC ruling (about 1:04). Speakers […]
Fairfax CA’s protective wireless ordinance defies FCC 5G Orders, cites state laws
Ross Valley officials work to tighten 5G antenna rules <<“… In Fairfax, after about a four-hour hearing Thursday, the Planning Commission said that a proposal to regulate telecommunications communications is not strong enough. The commission decided to continue the discussion to a later meeting, allowing staff time to give the new rules more muscle. […]
5G and the FCC
5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care An expert blog article posted on the NRDC website. Explains the two new FCC orders designed to facilitate the deployment of 5G across the USA, the history of FCC actions concerning wireless, and its current stance.
CEP Press Release: County BOS to vote on 5G standards
Center for Electrosmog Prevention PRESS RELEASE San Diego County Board of Supervisors Poised to Vote on Adopting FCC’s Controversial 5G Wireless Facilities Standards Despite public opposition, San Diego county officials scramble to comply with widely disputed FCC rules to accelerate the mass rollout of 5G-ready wireless networks. San Diego, CA, February 8, 2019 […]

Model Wireless Ordinance for Siting of 5G Small Cells
MODEL WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE for Siting of “Small Cell” Telecommunication Infrastructure in Public Rights-Of-Way, “intended for use by towns … [with] existing code for cell towers and other wireless communications infrastructure developed and adopted prior to the introduction of “small cell” wireless equipment and its widespread deployment on public rights-of-way.” For a PDF of this […]
National City CA Small Cells Input
5G speeds: National City seeks public input for Small Cells Installation Mar 12, 2019 By: Rina Nakano 5G Speeds: National City asking for input on new “Small Cell” technology “NATIONAL CITY, Calif. (KGTV)– National City is asking the public for input on the “Small Cells” roll-out plan in preparation of 5G speeds. While some are […]

California Sierra Club Conservation Committee Opposes 5G
Feb. 9, 2019: The California Sierra Club’s Conservation Committee passed a resolution requesting National Sierra Club take an oppose position to the deployment of 5G and small cell technology without local input and environmental review. (Page 1 of 3) Sierra Club California Resolution Adopted by the Sierra Club California Conservation Committee, February 9, 2019 Sierra […]

Public Health Alert: 5G small wireless cells a hazard
Hundreds of informed scientists and physicians insist the new 5G wireless cells, currently either getting ready for installation or recently installed on poles outside your home, are a serious menace to public health! 5G small cells can be placed right in front of your home beaming harmful, continuous, millimeter microwave radiation into your yard and home. […]

FCC 5G small cell orders – local gov’ts – what to do
(Jan. 14, 2019) A California law firm, Best, Best & Krieger, recommends that local governments, in the face of the “FCC small cell orders“, “stay flexible and stay tuned.” This is because there are numerous legal challenges to the FCC small cell orders, and if local governments change their ordinances to be in compliance, and […]

Plumas County CA not listening to residents on 5G dangers, fire hazards
Jan. 23, 2019: Plumas County’s Planning Group and BOS seem to be ignoring County residents‘ 5G rf radiation, fire hazards, and many other concerns, who packed meetings for the past year, to alert elected officials of the dangers of 5G and more cell towers in an already fire-prone area of Northern CA. This article, containing […]
Burbank 5G Town Hall meeting with residents, first of two
[CEP Note]: Some residents of Burbank, a community strongly opposed to irradiating the public with hazardous cell tower emissions, attended this town hall meeting, first of two, to express their opposition to their municipality allowing the installation of “small cells” to facilitate 5G. They encouraged their elected officials to join the towns who protect their […]
Dr. Beatrice Golomb, UCSD researcher: pulsed rf microwave radiation source of diplomats’ illness
Dr. Beatrice Golomb M.D., PhD, of UCSD, San Diego, CA, well-known researcher , RF radiation health effects authority: evidence shows ill American diplomats in Cuba and China, show clear symptoms of illness from pulsed rf microwave radiation. [CEP Note: 5G microwave radiation is pulsed.] Her article, “Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation” has been […]
The Significance of the Nuremberg Code – as it applies to 5G
The implementation of 5G is a giant and all-pervasive experiment on the citizens of the United States, using a cruel technology already known to be harmful. It is being heavily promoted by President Trump and his telecommunications industry (formerly Verizon-employed)-appointee, Chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, Esq., and the telecommunications industry, all of whom are […]

California Brain Tumor Association Issues Warning On Dangers of 5G
California Brain Tumor Assn: Warning On Dangers of 5G Feb. 16, 2019 At the center of the debate about 5G technology is the issue of whether or not 5G is safe. Already underway, though, the rapid rollout will deploy 20,000+ satellites, millions of small towers, and use the same range of EMF waves as a military […]
5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype (Moskowitz)
5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley The CTIA, the wireless industry trade association, has launched an advertising campaign entitled, “The Global Race to 5G.” The ads claim that unless the U.S. wins this “global race” to […]
HR 530 (Eshoo, CA) challenges FCC small cell orders
ESHOO INTRODUCES LEGISLATION TO RESTORE LOCAL CONTROL IN DEPLOYMENT OF 5G [Note: CEP is pleased to see HR 530 challenges the FCC’s authority to dictate to local governments how they should handle 5G, but finds it disturbing that Congresswoman Eshoo is not acknowledging in this bill that scientists are saying 5G is unsafe. Rather, this […]
5G litigation in New Mexico
A lawsuit has been filed by the Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety, concerning forced public exposure to rf radiation and in particular, current 5G installations happening in New Mexico at this writing (Jan. 31, 2019). 5G LITIGATION 5G and the FCC: 10 Reasons Why You Should Care (A must-read, must-share NRDC blog […]
The new FCC rules to fast-track 5G
A NY Times article explaining the new FCC rules, devised in Sept. 2018, and the initial reaction to them. F.C.C. Puts 5G Rollout Rules in Federal Hands The FCC’s 5G Fast-Plan “Infrastructure Policy Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee The Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee, formed by Chairman Pai in 2017, provides advice and recommendations for the […]
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 – legal block to local gov’ts using environmental effects of emissions as reason to deny
Since 1996, when The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was passed in Congress, signed by President Clinton, it has been impossible, legally, to object to the placement of a cell tower or cellular equipment on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions [1] to the extent that such facilities comply with the [FCC] […]
How to oppose small cell 5G towers (EMF Safety Network)
How to oppose 5G “small cell” towers Ideas from EMF Safety Network on how to oppose 5G “small cell” towers: 1. Watch for local gov’t planning dept applications for “small cell” towers, even if they deny it is 5G. 2. Educate community and local elected officials about risks of rf radiation and 5G. Even though […]

Scientists Warn of Health Effects from 5G Wireless – presentation to a local council
Scientists Warn of Health Effects: Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Roundtable Kevin Motthus, of the California Brain Tumor Association, speaks in Washington DC about 5G dangers, as do other speakers, regarding health impacts of wireless and 5G on humans, trees, and other living beings in the environment. This is a good example of what […]

Wireless tech killing insects worldwide – 5G worst of all
An expert on insects explains how wireless technology and particularly, 5G wireless cells, are destroying and will increasingly destroy insects, worldwide. Guess what? No insects, no food chain – no humans, no animals, no life. All so we can play with wireless toys? Think about stopping 5G from being installed in your community. Boycott 5G […]

“5G small cell wireless dangers” links
5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned … https://www.electricsense.com/12399/5g The 5G appeal – 5G Appeal Scientist 5G appeal call for 5G … www.5gappeal.eu Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Scientist–5G–appeal-2017.pdf Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Scientist–5G–appeal-2017.pdf Scientists and Doctors Demand Moratorium on 5G https://www.saferemr.com/2017/09/5G-moratorium12.html 5G Wireless […]
USA ordinances to stop 5G
The EH Trust has put together a page to inform communities what they can do to limit or stop 5G from being placed in residential neighborhoods, including sample ordinances. Very well done, it should help. USA City Ordinances to Limit and Control Wireless Facilities Small Cells in Rights of Ways In addition this article contains […]

5G small cell millimeter wave studies
This is a collection of over 27,000 EMF studies published in journals, maintained in Germany. This collection is searchable. Enter “millimeter wave” into the site search therein to see many pages of studies you may click on to view the harmful effects of millimeter waves, set to be unleashed on our country in the coming months […]

What do 5G small wireless cells look like?
These photos show small cell wireless in neighborhoods like yours. For 5G these will be located in front of every few houses along the street, saturating the neighborhood with dangerous millimeter wave rf radiation.

Take this simple action to stop 5G in your community!
https://mailchi.mp/1eebbf02c7e2/stop-5g-in-your-community-with-a-simple-action Help stop 5G small wireless cells from being installed in your residential community (Jan. 25,2019) Dear Friends of Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP), Many of you have heard that hundreds of informed, independent scientists are opposing 5G wireless cells set to be attached to light poles on all […]

Michigan State Senator Colbeck testifies 5G is unsafe for public
Michigan’s State Senator Patrick Colbeck testified against the deployment of 5G as proposed in Michigan State SB 637 because of the reported health effects from wireless technologies, in a hearing in 2018. The bill was passed, despite Senator Colbeck’s public health concerns. A Michigan physician, Dr. Sharon Goldberg, also testified against 5G.

DHS employee explains how 5G millimeter wave tech harmed her
“I know what 5G will do!” Listen to this YouTube interview with a former Dept of Homeland Security employee believed to have been harmed by 5G millimeter wave technology at work. 5G is coming to your street, on the light poles, unless you learn more and help stop this dangerous new technology before it harms […]

Earth Day ignores the worst offender: electrosmog pollution
Because there is little to no emphasis on electrosmog pollution on Earth Day, and some prominent Earth Day organizers seem to be completely unaware of the dangers to the planet and all life on earth from electrosmog, a letter was sent to Kathleen Rogers, President, and her staff of the global Earth Day Network explaining […]

NPR Interview about microwave radiation exposure & 5G
NPR radio interviewed Eric Windheim, owner of Windheim EMF Solutions, on its local radio station (KVMR, about the dangers of microwave radiation and 5G, and what to do about it. Click here to listen to the audio topic overview and interview, which begins at the marker for 7:00 (use slidebar). (from https://www.windheimemfsolutions.com/kvmr-radio-interview-5g-network/) Outline of the Radio […]
Transmission towers cause property value losses
https://www.houstonchronicle.com/ UTILITIES TEXAS: Bills filed to protect homeowners near transmission projects Property owners believe the towers are lowering property values in the 2,500-home community. Dean Zebak lives just a few feet from one tower and he figures his $410,000 home has lost at least $100,000 of value. He said real estate agents have told him […]

Cell towers impact student brains in schools – new study
Dec. 7, 2018: Higher cell tower exposures negatively impact student cognition, impacting fine and gross motor skills, spatial working memory, and attention, concludes new study. The 2 cell towers in this study were each located .124 miles (200 meters) away from the two school buildings tested. One cell tower was five times stronger than the […]
SSM articles about 5G
Stopsmartmeters.org has an excellent collection of articles about 5G. Click here to read SSM’s 5G articles!
FCC Fast Plan for 5G small cell wireless
This is the FCC’s reprehensible “fast plan” to force 5G down the throats of all communities in the United States. Click here to view FCC 5G Fast Plan

Stop Global WIFI
Currently, a large number of technology companies are working on plans and even implementation (such as SpaceX) to offer WIFI from satellites (space), in order to make a profit and achieve global access. This is being planned seemingly without consideration for the serious health impacts, including cancers, which at least 237 scientists have warned the […]
New scientific article: Planetary electromagnetic pollution (Lancet, Dec. 1, 2018)
Planetary Health The Lancet, Authors: Priyanka Bandara, David O Carpenter An important scientific commentary urging immediate action regarding a quintillian-level increase in manmade electromagnetic rf radiation around the 1GHz frequency range, in recent decades, due to exposure to wireless devices, with references to studies indicating severe health and neurological impacts, including cancers, ADHD, and behavior, […]
CEP writes Blumenthal and Eshoo re: 5G space wifi concerns
Today, Dec. 5th, 2018, Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) wrote Senator Blumenthal of CT and Representative Eshoo of CA to thank them for their letter of Dec. 3, 2018 to the FCC, demanding documentation that 5G is safe, and to alert these members of Congress to the hazardous 5G “wifi in space/global wifi” plan now […]
18 New scientific papers about electrosmog (Nov. 2018)
Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields 18 new papers on electromagnetic fields and biology or health Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, November 14, 2018 [Dr. Joel Moskowitz, UC Berkeley School of Public Health has] been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once a month since August, […]
Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine (Journal editorial, Oct 18, 2018)
CEP Note: This editorial, published in a special issue of a major scientific journal today, summarizes the results of an international forum where the latest developments in biological and health effects of EMF’s were discussed, in June, 2017. This information provided courtesy of Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director, UC Berkeley School of Public Health. His website, […]

Reasons to Say No to Smart Meters
Reasons-to-Say-No-to-Smart-Meters (Nov. 2017) Includes statements of scientists and physicians on dangers of rf radiation and smart meters. Useful for activists and those considering opting out of smart meters. SMART METERS HARM HEALTH: REASONS TO SAY NO TO SMART METERS Educational Smart Meter Speaker Packet, an educational resource packet to read, share, and use as a […]

California CPUC smart meter decisions documents
April 19, 2018: SDG&E and SCE Interim Decisions CPUC press release. The proposal voted on for SCE is available at http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/EFILE/PD/161688.pdf. The proposal voted on for SDG&E is available at http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/word_pdf/AGENDA_DECISION/164057.pdf. Dec. 18, 2014 Final Opt-out Decision for PG&E, SDG&E, SCE, So CA Gas (CEP Note: see Conclusions of Law, at end of documents) Radiofrequency […]

Cell phone use linked to ADHD in teens
Digital media (cell phones and more) = ADHD in teens, says longterm study, out July 17, 2018 in JAMA. Can this be associated with exposure to rf radiation? Past studies say “yes” ! Pregnant moms, parents of children of any age – get wireless out of your homes and daily lives! Reduce electrosmog, cell phone […]

Health risks of solar panels
When looking for a house to live in, recently, I noticed that those with solar panels made me VERY ill, within seconds. As I own a rf (radio-frequency radiation) meter (a Cornet 88T Plus), I began measuring these sorts of homes. What I found was a significant increase in rf radiation (from hundreds to thousands […]

NRDC vs. FCC 5G Lawsuit
A lawsuit has been filed to help stop 5G. Want to add your complaint about 5G cells or other “small wireless facilities” in your locale? Your statement re: the harm experienced can help stop placement of these facilities in the USA, and assist with this new lawsuit. The following is an email we received from […]

Electrosensitivity Discrimination in Healthcare
People who are electrosensitive (sensitive to rf radiation and other strong EMF fields) – and those who are not (yet) electrosensitive but do not wish to be exposed to these fields, or to expose senior citizens or children to them – often find it hard, if not impossible, to receive even routine medical care. The […]

Recent research showing dangers of wifi for children and adults
Recent Research on the Effects of Exposure to Wi-Fi Radiation (Updated May 11, 2018) Scientific research proving wifi is dangerous to health. https://www.saferemr.com/2015/09/recent-research-on-wifi-effects.html from the website of Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director of the School of Public Health, UC Berkeley, CA Also, an important article from Forbes Magazine (Jan. 15, 2015) – reasons to get wifi […]

Why 5G brings a dangerous new form of cell towers
5G is a hazardous new cellular technology currently being installed in the United States and Europe. Hundreds of scientists studying the impact of rf radiation on health are warning that 5G is very dangerous, and have signed a statement explaining why. Yet wireless companies are proceeding with the blessings of our well-lobbied and well-paid-off governments, […]

Scientists conclude cell phones do cause cancer
NTP cell phone studies — experts recommend elevated conclusions A group of scientists examining the data and results from the (USA) National Toxicology Program‘s (NTP) study of the impact of cell phone radiation on rats concluded that there is clear evidence that exposure to microwave radiation caused cancer in rat hearts. They recommended that the […]

How “Big Wireless” tricked us regarding safety
The following article explains how the wireless industry (aka “big wireless”) created the lie that “wireless is safe” in the 1990’s, much as “big tobacco” did so for years with its dangerous product. In 2018, at this writing, it explains the dangerous but legal public exposure to microwave radiation from all wireless devices. These include […]

SDG&E & CA Smart Meter Opt-out Update 3/22/18
You can now have smart meters removed from your home if you are a CA gas or electric utility customer. So-called “smart” utility meters are dangerous to your health, say independent physicians and scientists studying the pulsed rf radiation they emit. Help your family remain healthy! Opt-out, today! Assist your child to concentrate more in […]

Sign to Opt-Out of Smart Water Meters
DO NOT INSTALL “SMART” WATER METER SIGN Ramona Municipal Water District customers: To opt-out from “smart” water meters and continue use of an analog (old style) water meter: * Contact your water district to request the opt-out, in writing and by phone * Place sign inside water meter box (folded, in a large ziplock baggie) […]
Senator Blumenthal, Rep. Eshoo question FCC on 5G Safety
Blumenthal Presses FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr to Disclose Evidence of ‘5G Safety’ December 03, 2018 05:43 PM Eastern Standard Time [PRESS RELEASE] WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (NISLAPP) applauds Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) [CEP Note: and Rep. Anna Eshoo of Palo Alto, CA] for pressing FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, […]

CEP Supports Analog Opt-out Choice in NY State
CEP Public Comment, submitted today, regarding a case before the NY State utility commission currently deliberating whether analog meters or electronic, digital meters shall be used for smart meter opt-outs. CEP’s position is that only the safer health option – electro-mechanical analog meters should be offered. We encourage analog opt-out recipients anywhere in the USA […]
Henry Lai RF Radiation 2017 Research Summaries Collections Links
Research Summaries [from Bioinitiative 2012, updated March 2017] Click Henry Lai’s Research Summaries to view on BioInitiative website. “These are invaluable sets of abstracts (data-based to be searchable) covering the RFR scientific literature, as well as collections of scientific abstracts on oxidative effects (from both RFR and ELF), and a set specific to Electrohypersensitivity. New […]

State of CA and Kaiser warn about rf radiation
Microwave radiation a hazard, says State of CA Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente Dec. 14, 2017 In the past 24 hours, the CA State Dept of Health and Kaiser Permanente issued warnings about wireless devices like cell phones and smart meters causing serious health problems. Cell towers, cell phones, smart water meters, and smart […]

Why “smart” water meters are not smart!
The first YouTube video above shows a smart water meter with the RF emissions being measured by a Cornet Electrosmog Meter and a Trifield Meter. The second video shows a smart water meter being measured by a Cornet Electrosmog 88T Meter in Ramona, CA. California’s Ramona Municipal Water District is currently installing microwave-emitting, wireless smart […]
Review study documents sperm damage from cellphone rf radiation.
New review study overwhelmingly shows damage to sperm from mobile phone rf radiation. Get that live cell phone out of your pocket! Do not hook it to your belt or wear it on your person, unless it is turned OFF. Use only for emergencies and use corded landlines* for most of your phone calls. A warning […]

Take Action Against Electrosmog
The Center for Electrosmog Prevention (CEP) Update Keeping you up-to-date on electrosmog prevention and solutions. FROM CEP’S JUNE 27, 2016 NEWSLETTER SIGN UP FOR FUTURE EMAIL ALERTS Electrosmog Prevention News Update June 2016Dear All,Greetings!Much has occurred in 2016 with regards to electrosmog pollution – exposing the population to higher and higher levels of electromagnetic emissions consisting of harmful radiofrequency radiation and EMF’s […]
Before and After Opting Out Measurements from Smart Meters
Before and After-Opting Out Measurements from Smart Meters Includes measuring the dirty electricity on electrical wiring inside an Austin home, as well as radiation from the smart meter itself. Dr. Laura Pressley of Austin, TX also measures a smart phone, a wireless router, and a DECT phone charging station, explaining how the high levels of rf […]
What can we do about cancer-causing RF Radiation, following NTP study results?
What can we do? A major form of electrosmog pollution has been named a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Health, USA. Electrosmog pollution in the form of cell phone radiation, is now officially associated with the development of cancer, according to the results of a $25 million dollar National Toxicology Program (NTP) study released May […]

Major US Gov’t Study Finds Cell Phone Radiation Causes Cancer
A federal study, just concluded, finds microwave radiofrequency radiation – the same type emitted by wireless devices such as cell phones – causes cancer, with a dose-response relationship. The more the exposure, the higher the risk. All cell phone and wireless enthusiasts must pause to consider – is it worth your life, or the life of […]

Wireless wake-up call – Jeromy Johnson
Jeromy Johnson, former Silicon Valley engineer, gave this excellent talk recently, at TedX, Berkeley, CA, about the dangers of wireless, with some practical tips for reducing exposure. Jeromy, a young man with a Masters Degree in Engineering and a former wireless technology enthusiast, shared his path to becoming electro-sensitive, following the placement of a bank of smart meters below his […]

New Types of Cellular Antennas Blanket Neighborhoods
Learn from this brief video, the configuration of dangerous new cellular antennas being placed on utility poles in California and beyond.
List of School Wifi Warning Letters from Experts
Safer Technology for Schools Maryland Medical Doctors Are Calling On Schools To Use Safe Technology Read Doctor’s Letters And Watch This New Updated Trailer For An Upcoming Movie on Children and Wireless Radiation The link above contains a long list of warnings about wifi, sent in letters to school districts by prominent scientists and physicians, including physician […]
UK: Woman says Wi-Fi allergy killed her daughter
The following article is extremely disturbing, because a teenaged girl in the United Kingdom, subjected to wifi at her school, and with apparent, reported signs of electrohypersensitivity to rf radiation is now dead – a suicide. She was alleged to have been forced to sit near routers that made her repeatedly sick in school. With […]
Medical Screening of EHS Patients – A Scientific Paper
Scientists and physicians are on their way to identifying the means to screen electrohypersensitive (EHS) patients via blood panels, as this 2014 study explains. In this study, preliminary results identified genetic markers predisposing individuals to development of EHS. (CEP Director) Click here: Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive Subjects as a Feasible Tool for […]
Renowned Swedish Oncologist & WHO Researcher Warns About School Wi-Fi
Dr. Lennart Hardell, a Swedish oncologist and professor, part of the WHO evaluation group for rf radiation and health, a world-renowned researcher in cancer epidemiology and rf (radiofrequency) radiation exposures, recently co-authored this letter to a USA school district, warning its administrators of the dire health risks to children from schoolwide wi-fi. CLICK HERE: Montgomery […]
Update on International Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields & Wireless Technology
Thanks to Dr. Joel Moskowitz of UC Berkeley’s School of Health, we have an update on the increasing number of world scientists issuing an appeal for the UN and World Health Organization to protect the world population from the growing disaster of exponentially increasing, harmful electrosmog pollution. (CEP Director) Update on International Scientist Appeal on […]
Joint Statement on Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation
Joint Statement on Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation from The Baby Safe Project We join together as physicians, scientists and educators to express our concern about the risk that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures. We recognize that the exquisitely delicate systems that direct the development of human […]
Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure
Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure TheGreenGazette, June 29, 2015 “There is a potential risk of rapidly progressive and more malignant tumours.” – Dr. Anthony B. Miller In March and April, 2015, the Canadian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health invited international experts to testify about Safety Code 6—Health Canada’s exposure […]

Cell Phones Cause Cancer and Can Kill
Is your cellphone worth risking this? Please click below to watch this video and avoid what happened to this young father. Jimmy Gonzalez “Cell Phones Cause Cancer“ Jimmy Gonzalez, a vibrant 42 year old former marine, father of two young children and attorney paid with his life because he […]

Electrosmog: The New Environmental Health Toxin? A lecture by Martin Pall, PhD
Electrosmog: The New Environmental Health Toxin?: How electromagnetic fields harm health. A lecture on the discovery of the mechanism, at the cellular level, by which EMF’s cause bioeffects and disease, presented recently in Norway by Dr. Martin Pall (PhD), researcher and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at WSU, is available here. Though […]
Cell Phone Use May Lead to Harmful Effects in Children
Children & Cell Phone Exposure = Behavioral Problems, Headaches, Neurological Damage, and Hearing Loss Mothers and fathers – do not use cell phones around your children! Pregnant women – avoid cell phone use, as it can harm your unborn child! Mothers of children – do not allow your children to use cell phones for any […]

Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention
Environmental Tips for Parents to Improve Learning and Attention It makes sense to eliminate known triggers that impact learning and attention. Awareness of these triggers can lead to reduced toxic exposures and thus, can help provide optimum environments for academic improvement as well as prevention of future health problems. Our children’s academic success and health […]
ALERT: AAEM Releases Recommendations EMF and RF Exposures (7/12/12)
**NEW** The American Academy of Environmental Medicine released its recommendations regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) and radio frequency (RF) exposures. These recommendations by AAEM, just released on 7/12/12, will take the world by storm. AAEM recommends that patients with a broad range of medical conditions avoid sources of EMF and RF radiation, especially smart meters on […]

Benefits of Analog Meters Vs. Smart Meters – Why you should opt-out today!
According to some experts / reports by consumers: Analog (Electromechanical) Meters Smart Meters (Electronic) RF Radiation Exposure No YES Part of mesh network that blankets community with RF radiation No YES Health complaints No YES AAEM physicians’ association warnings about health effects No YES Santa Cruz Health Dept. warnings about RF radiation emissions No YES […]

Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects
If you are an SDG&E or utility customer anywhere, you need to read this. Chances are near 100% that you already have a potentially dangerous new utility smart meter on your home and business, or will soon have one. from the La Mesa Patch, La Mesa, CA Revealed: SDG&E Smart Meter Technical Data and Bio-Effects […]